Many of the worldβs relationships have a self-stabilizing duality, with two theses, working in opposite in concert to achieve a higher synthesis of a new system, under new conditions, overcoming the old, forming new, furthering human advancements.
Limited supply?
A reoccurring, and predominant feature of crypto tokenomics is the inherent cap on how much tokens can be emitted, no matter whether via mathematics or predetermined maximum capacity. This leads to many adverse effects, the gravest one being a stark first-mover advantage. You invest first, you benefit the most. Most tokens donβt serve a purpose, they are either crude private means of exchange or means of pure speculative purpose. You can rarely observe an inherent purpose, value behind it other than artificial limitation, or ecology around it.
OTN: A Utility Token
As we see it, these are not features, most of these are deficiencies which we aim to overcome. OTN tokens serve a purpose: OTN is backed by human ingenuity and progress. OTN will become the means of voting in the OTN-DAO, fuel for using the Robotter.AI system, as well as the representation of its funds' value and success.
Becoming a DAO
Two cycles, engaged by two types of actors, will ensure continued development. Like every project, Robotter.AI is started and developed by some founding team -like YourTrading.AI- but we will develop it into a DAO project, as with each further step towards completion, independent contributors and managers take over daily operations.
We start the Robotter.AI Project as a private venture, with a predetermined cap of emittable tokens in the hands of the OTN Treasury. We keep a maximum supply; we keep some inherent deflationary tendencies. At first, the Treasury management will be kept in the Hands of the OTN Venture, but as we mature, and the path we all will have to go, gets drawn out more and more clearly, we will gradually shift managing responsibilities towards the OTN stakeholders.
The OTN Treasury
The OTN Treasury is responsible to provide the necessary infrastructure: it pays for data to be used by you and it pays you if you contribute tools or data, which enhances Robotter.AI. To finance this, the Treasury will emit specified amounts of OTN onto the market. The exact quantity will be announced a few weeks in advance such that potential investors can prepare, and in order to avoid bad speculatory practice. Each emission a fraction of OTN Tokens will go towards the Team. This is to ensure that new team members will be compensated fairly and that people leaving will not further burden the project.
Feel free to get in touch, we are always in search of new talent, no matter where your talent and expertise may be!
Independent contributors, whether they reach out on their own initiative or recruitment through a tender, are paid directly by the Treasury through OTN.
Introducing: AI Funds
The tools, data and infrastructure administrated by the Treasury will then be used by you to start AI funds. These funds will be obliged to pay a management fee in the form of OTN to the OTN Treasury in order to finance the tools provided by the contributors. To do so, they will have to take their profits, go to the open market, and buy OTN. The fees will be slightly higher for our in-house funds, to relieve independents of competitive pressure and so we, ourselves, will take on the larger initial burden of financing the OTN System. As time progresses, the importance of intervention by the OTN venture will fade away, as more and more independent contributors will take over, transform the OTN System increasingly into the perpetual OTN-DAO, and steer it towards wherever the tides of fortune and scientific investment will lead.
Staking on OTN
To be able to access the possibilities provided by Robotter.AI we want some financial commitment, we want you to become a stakeholder. You will have to spay with OTN to test our system and take OTN in order to launch your own funds and access investment opportunities. As time progresses, those stakeholders will receive voting rights in the operations of the Treasury.
Fund Buybacks and the Value of OTN
Token holders profit through OTN buybacks from the funds' performance fee. OTN brought back through this process returns to the OTN Treasury. A continuous cycle of OTN is insured: The continued development of Robotter.AI is paid for by the success of your Robotter fund. The size of the buybacks increases with the amount of money successfully managed through Robotter.AI.
Independent developers benefit from their useful contributions in form of payment in OTN, and successful funds as the value of their contribution increases with success of all funds.
We are heading towards a new paradigm, with decentralized, self-managed scientific and independent investment, away from financier managed hedge funds, away from constraining banks and regulations. And you get an affordable and highly valuable opportunity to set up your own successful AI funds or invest in a myriad of other existing AI funds.
Towards a New Paradigm
As this stage matures and increasing amounts of capital is managed through Robotter.AI, OTN will rise in value. This is an intended development, but we do not want to run into a situation with unbearably highly-priced OTN, which could inhibit new independent funds to form and force some smaller ones out of our system. Thus, we will implement a democratically regulated system which will be able to mint new OTN linked to the amount of managed capital. We want to make sure that the amount of newly minted OTN will benefit all holders, enabling them to invest more capital into our funds, while keeping a smooth increase in value of both OTN and the services provided by Robotter.AI. As we will collect data on the holding and staking structure of OTN a concept of participation will emerge, as we do want to avoid the dominance of a few players in the OTN-DAO. For the continued survival of the OTN-DAO, this is of utmost importance.
As available data, modeling techniques, strategies and markets increase, so does the capacity of the Robotter.AI System. Effectively, the supply and value of OTN represent the capacity of those funds, with the price of OTN reflects the trust of its investors and stakeholders in Robotter.AI's trading algorithms and is directly coupledwith the success of those as an underlying value.
Our conviction is, that scientific and good investment has to be available and affordable for everybody.
Where We are Heading
The first step for Robotter.AI are cryptocurrency funds, but we want, and we will, steer the development into all areas of the financial world. YourTrading.AI will not be simply quantitative trading, YourTrading.AI will tear down this technical barrier. We aim for sentiment analysis, we aim for fundamentals, and everything else you can contribute.
Philipp, Business Lead
Initial financing will be done through a public blind price auction. The trading of OTN awarded therethrough will be frozen until the IDO. Get in touch ( if you want to participate, the volume and conditions will be announced on request.
Last updated